Writing Articles for Landing Pages

A website’s Landing Page is the incredibly important representation of a website or company. This page is kept simple and is designed to accomplish a select few desired actions. It is the page where visitors first arrive when they are directed to your site from somewhere else on the web. This page could be your homepage, but could also any other page of the site – such as one designed to sell a particular product or advertise a new service. In order to promote a landing page and direct traffic to it, a webmaster should participate in Article Marketing. Article marketing is one of the fastest and most effective means of driving large amounts of highly targeted traffic to a particular landing page. Article Marketing involves writing articles and publishing them to high traffic and well targeted article directory sites. The publication will result in increased traffic to the respective landing page as well as increased search engine optimization by creating a high value back link to your page with the specific and optimized anchor text of your choosing.

Here are some key points that you should keep in mind to create effective articles that promote your landing pages:

  • Article Title

Article titles need to be very effective and capable of engaging readers so that they will initially click on and begin to read the article. From the promotion and traffic point of view try to incorporate keywords and words that will attract people to read the article. You should also try to use words that are actually indicative of the content/product/service that is on your landing page – if the title is unrelated to the landing page, you might get a lot of readers, but very few will make it through to your site.

  • Introduction

The starting paragraph of the article i.e. the introductory part, is where the reader decides whether he or she will complete the article or just have a glimpse of it. Don’t bother starting the article by describing what it is about – this isn’t a high school essay -the title is sufficient to explain the premise of the article, so no need to go over it again. Use the introductory portion of the article to captivate the reader and encourage them to read further into it in order to reach the link to your landing page. Impressive facts, quick success stories and creative warnings are a great way to hook the reader.

  • Content of the article

The content of the article needs to specify the products/services that you are offering on the landing page of your site. You do not mant to shamelessly promote your landing page directly in the article, you want to hint that there is more information on your page and that the reader should continue there in order to satisfy his/her curiosity. Keep building the reader’s interest by offering information that the reader is likely searching for.  Ask and answer questions that a reader might be wondering about – especially ones they would need answered before visiting your website. You want at least one link to your landing page within the content portion of the article.

  • Conclusion

Ideally you want to structure your introduction and content so that the reader will stick it out to the end of your article. If they have made it to the end (and presumably still haven’t clicked your link) then you can be a little more direct in your promotion. Finish it off with a question you think they are still wondering about and let them know the answer is on your site – then include another link to the landing page.

  • Useful Resources

At the bottom of the the article you should include a useful resources section where you can place links to a few pages of your choosing. Some can be your own pages and some can be from external pages that you find useful. It’s always helpful to write high quality articles that will get passed and shared between readers and useful resources is one way to do this.

Following all these steps should ensure you get some high quality results from your future articles.

Here are a few great sites you can submit and publish your articles on:

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