Website marketing is done so as to earn more revenue for the business, to establish a high place in search engines so that the targeted and potential client can search for your services and business. Marketing the website is essential in order to achieve any long term business objectives. Marketing the website typically consists of advertising the products or services of the website or business. Marketing can also be just for the site itself in order to increase traffic and later increase advertising revenue for the site. Advertising your website will both increase sales and traffic as well as increase public knowledge of your presence on the web.
In order to acquire high quality customers via the internet, advertising one’s website is paramount. This is done best through search engine optimization techniques. The idea behind SEO (Search engine optimization) is to present the website in such a way as to appeal to both human users as well as search engine crawlers.
How to Increase SEO:
Determine the objective of the business and work accordingly. For example – When selecting keywords one should search for phrases that are relavent to the business, are searched frequently (check out the Google Keyword Tool to figure this out) and ones that are not too competitive (also find this on the Google Keyword Tool.)
Apply Non-Automated SEO Techniques for the promotion or for marketing a website. Automated tools just don’t provide the same value and the search engine crawlers getter better and better at weeding out this sort of forced SEO all the time.
Content of the website should be relevant to the web site or the business. While writing content, it should always be kept in mind that the content should be relevant to the business objective.
Popularity of the site. Increase the popularity and traffic to your site by generating high quality links to the site. Email web masters to arrange for link exchanges with sites that have content that complements your site. You can also write articles that include links back to your site and publish them on other high-traffic and high Page Rank sites (See our Publish Article section.)
Perform proper keyword research. While performing SEO, one should take care of keywords which are being used for the optimization purpose for a website. First search for the keywords what people normally search for relevant to the content of the website. Then determine which keyword you need to select for your promotion purpose and try to use those keywords in the content, title and in Meta tags of your pages.
Process of Link Building :
Try to build as many links as possible, this could be done through various processes including :
Article Submission
Directory Submission
Social Bookmarking
Blog Creation
Blog Commenting
Forum Posting and so on…..
These are some of the processes which help to increase the number of back links to your website, help to increase traffic, increases the prominence of a website and boost the number of targeted users for the business. All of these things will increase the credibility of the website and ensure that it is indexed by the major search engines.