Android BBM Kik Chat

We now effectively have BBM on Android. Not only that – but thanks to Kik Chat we can now chat with BBM like features between BlackBerry, Android and iPhone.iPod/iPad!

This sweet little app can be found in the Android Market as of last Friday. iPhone and blackberry users can pick it up on the App Store and App World.
Both the android iPhone versions are flawless!

They’ve now added features to send kik picture messages to your contacts.

With Kik (kik.com) you can see when another user has read your message – a feature that has become essential to any Blackberry messenger user. The beauty is, you have this feature no matter what platform you or the other party are running.

To anyone still using gchat, msn, or some all in one messenger to talk to their friends between mobile devices: you can finally give it up!


View Comments (4)

  • These retarded protesters actually burnt Toronto police cars?? are you kidding me? good meassage.. i'm they'll get they're way now.

  • actually it was infiltrated police agents who set the car on fire after police inexplicably left two empty cruisers (on each of two occasions) lying behind. The flames went up so quickly that the cars were surely doused in kerosene beforehand. so in the end it was the police who got what they want: everyone will believe the lies they've been spreading about 'violent anarchists' and 'thugs.'

  • so you can login with a bbm account on kik msngr on a android en send messages to people who have bbm but not kik

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