2.8GB of Scientology Emails Leaked by Anonymous Australia

The Australian branch of the amorphous hacktavist group Anonymous leaked more than 2.8 GB of emails today. The pludered data is a pretty complete catalogue of all the external and internal communications of members of the Church of Scientology in Australia. The contents of the leaked emails is seedy at best, as there are some communications between ‘higher ranked’ officials from the church discussing sensitive matters.

The information has been separated into 5 files ranging from 299MB to 1.5GB. They have been uploaded to multiple file lockers and can be downloaded by anyone. The adresses to the download links can be found on the original Pastebin publication from Anonymous Australia. You can also read a sample of the communications in two lists on PWNY.biz here and here.

From the few that we’ve read, many are in German so get ready ready for alot of Google translator copy-pasting. Several are PGP encrypted communications so they will probably never be publicly legible. Otherwise there is lots of incredibly poorly written English emails with plenty of jargon and of little interest. We’ll keep digging and let you know if we can come up with anything cool. If you find anything interesting, please let us know in the comments!

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