Management Books | Top 10 Management Books

The 10 best business management books as of May 2010. This list has them all, in order of best to worst.

  1. The Art of Exceptional Living – Jim Rohn
    • Not a management book by definition, but probably one of the best tools you will ever come across. This is an audio book that combines recordings of live lectures with other more directed chapters. It is an absolute must-read (or listen) for life and for management.
  2. First, Break All the Rules – Marcus Buckingham
    • This management book holds the results of an extensive study performed by the Gallup group into why the most effectives managers were just that. The managers studied were often famous for breaking the norms of the business world though the use of new and innovative management strategies.
  3. Winning – Jack Welch
    • This book describes the successful strategies employed by Jack Welch as he let General Electric to the top. The book has great lessons for both management and for life.
  4. Strengths Finder 2.0 – Gallup Organization
    • This management books helps readers to identify their core areas of competency. This should be one of the first steps any manger takes. Not only will it help you to recognize your own strengths, but also those of the employees you manage.
  5. One-Minute Manager – Spencer Johnson and Kenneth H. Blanchard
    • This short and to-the-point book discusses how you can apply the best and most fundamental management strategies to your life right away.
  6. Getting to Yes – Roger Fisher
    • This Book explains one of the best proven negotiation strategies to date. The book is focused on a strategy know as “principled negotiations” developed by the Harvard Negotiation Project.
  7. Primal Leadership – Daniel Goleman, Richard E. Boyatzis, Annie McKee
    • Leadership is perhaps the most important aspect of any management strategy and any management book. Primal Leadership give insight into how leading and its results are heavily reliant on our basic human instincts and the makeup of our brains.
  8. Good to Great – Jim Collins
    • This management book describes how and why some companies make the jump from being mediocre to be extraordinary.
  9. 12: The Elements of Great Managing – Rodd Wagner & James Harter
    • The primary focus of this book is identifying what keeps employees actively engaged in their work. The book is full of evidence and examples of how all elements of management can be utilized.
  10. Getting Things Done
    • Essential to all managers is the ability to execute. This book is fundamental to all who seek to achieve results, especially in the area of management.

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