AWS Console login page is down

seems no one can log into the console https://console.aws.amazon.com/console/home We're seeing: 504 Gateway Time-out Comment if you learn why or…


Best Caprese Salad Recipe

We call it the Leaning tower of Caprese Caprese salads can be made in many ways. Manipulations of the three…


Find the Perfect Rental Unit | How To

Searching for a rental unit can be tough, time-consuming, and stressful. Whether you're desperate to move now or even looking…


Installing Software on Ubuntu Server 14.04

Install Oracle Java 7 on Ubuntu: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install oracle-java7-set-default Install Glashfish 4 on…


Ignore Foreign Key Constraints During Truncate or Drop

If you are trying to drop/delete or empty/truncate a mysql table and you keep getting an error that you are…


Create new MySQL user and allow them to connect from any IP

If you are getting the error: user is not allowed to connect to this MySQL serverConnection closed by foreign host…


MySQL See all columns and tables that foreign key to a table or column

If you're trying to understand how an existing database has been setup it can be very useful to see all…


Ruby MySQL Transaction Example

Here is a simple tutorial showing how to implement transactions in Ruby with MySQL. The code uses The MySQL2 Gem.…


Setup a new GIT repository

Here is a quick reminder of how to setup a new git repository on your git server and check it…


Medical Alert Systems for 2013

As our loved ones age, their safety becomes of real concern to us, especially when they are living alone or…
