Down for Everyone or Just Me Ironically Down

The one of the most popular web-site downtime monitoring services downforerveryoneorjustme.com is ironically down tonight. Looks like the website was too successful for it’s own good and has garnered enough traffic to go over the server resource limit that was set by Google App engine.

The Google App engine provides it’s users with an easy to use SDK and scalable hosting for web application developers. If one site is consuming a disproportionally large amount of computational resources, Goggle will temporarily shut down server to that site in order to ensure other sites don’t suffer downtimes or slow service. The site has displayed this error message before but never for quite this long.

This may have been brought on by Black Friday and Cyber Monday. The influx in shopping traffic seems to have brought down some e-commerce stores, which in turn has sent a flood of people to the down checker service. Time for a hosting upgrade!

Fear not, you can still check if a site is down or if you have just been messing with your etc hosts file too much on these services:


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